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Ian Urbina

Journeys Across the Last Untamed Frontier

An explosive narrative reportage about lawlessness at high sea by Pulitzer Prize winning investigative reporter Ian Urbina. Based on a four part NYT series to be nominated for the Pulitzer.

Every last patch of land is claimed by a government or another but the sea is still a wildly free frontier. It covers two thirds of the planet. Most of it is ungoverned. And some of what happens out there is beyond imagination.

THE OUTLAW OCEAN will be a captivating reportage about the facets of lawlessness at sea, spun into a narrative akin to "The Perfect Storm". Urbina travels to some of the most ungoverned places on earth and lead us through a bizarre netherworld and introduce us to this underworld's tragic souls and unsavory characters.

Ian's intention is to show the costs and human toll of the vast amounts of unchecked criminal activity: from human trafficking to drug trade to environmental crimes and beyond. Global economy depends on a fleet of more than four million fishing and small cargo vessels and 100'000 large merchang ships that haul 90% of the world's goods. But maritime laws have hardly more teeth than they did when the great empires first explored the oceans.

Ian Urbina is an investigative reporter for The New York Times and author of the book LIFE’S LITTLE ANNOYANCES: True Tales of People Who Just Can’t Take it Anymore. He has degrees in history from Georgetown University and the University of Chicago, and his writings, which range from domestic and foreign policy to commentary on everyday life, have appeared in the Los Angeles Times, The Guardian, Harper's, and elsewhere. You can see more about him and his work at

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Published by Knopf

Main content page count: 0 Pages






Leonardo DiCaprio to produce Nautical Action Thriller The Outlaw Ocean for Netflix Read more...

“Not just a stunning read, this book is a gripping chronicle of the watery wild west and it shows us—frankly unlike anything I've read before—how global indifference can trap innocent people in endless cycles of exploitation, how the vast ocean has become a danger zone, and ultimately how we all pay a price for this mayhem and mistreatment."

—John Kerry, former Secretary of State and founder of the Our Ocean Conference


“Imagine a fantasy movie in which an explorer from Earth arrives on the surface of a living planet, to discover a lawless place where brutality is the only order and greed and fear the only motivators. Welcome to The Outlaw Ocean. In this utterly groundbreaking, often disturbing book, Ian Urbina has put his life on the line to lay bare the stunning inhumanity that reigns unchecked over two-thirds of Earth’s surface. This constantly astonishing book is seasoned with rare heroes—the author himself among them—who at great risk have weaponized their lifelong quest to shine righteous light and apply justice to the cruel anarchy that reigns over the majority of the planet.”

—Carl Safina, author of Beyond Words and Song for the Blue Ocean

“Our planet is 70% ocean and yet to watch the tv or read the papers you'd have little idea humans ever ventured offshore. Thanks to Ian Urbina for beginning to close the reporting gap, and for showing the high drama to be found on the high seas."

—Bill McKibben, author of Falter: Has the Human Game Begun to Play Itself Out?

"A swift-moving, often surprising account of the dangers that face sailors and nations alike on the lawless tide."

Kirkus Reviews

“In The Outlaw Ocean, Ian Urbina offers a gripping series of portraits of scofflaws, renegades, con men, vigilantes and activists whose combat on the open seas has profound effect on our everyday lives and the world we inhabit. It’s a wild adventure story and terrifying cautionary tale, that should not be missed.”

— Sam Walker, former deputy enterprise editor of The Wall Street Journal and author of The Captain Class 

"This is just incredible investigative work."

—Naomi Klein, author of This Changes Everything

'The Outlaw Ocean': A Forgotten Frontier Where Slavery And Illegal Activities Abound



#12 in Nonfiction September 8, 2019