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The Path to the Agile Company – Knowledge for Deciders

Michael Lang Stefan Scherber

Strategies, Opportunities, Solutions

This is an indispensable guide for all who have to make decisions and want to quickly get a well-founded overview of the issues at hand!

Agility is not a fad that will blow by, but a necessary way to adapt in order to se-cure the future of the company! A company that wants to stay in business must face changed realities and find ways to master the increasing complexities and fast pace of the modern times. For this, Agility is the key to success. This book provides a compact overview of the subject. It explains the relevance of Agility and why it will be necessary for survival in the future. The authors explain exactly what Agility is, the corollaries, the advantages and risks.

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Published 2018-10-01 by Hanser , ISBN: 9783446457430

Main content page count: 378 Pages

ISBN: 9783446457430