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Sebastian Ritscher
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Elizabeth Bailey

10 Simple Hospital Checklists to Keep You Safe, Sane, and Organized

With the COVID-19 crisis ongoing, more and more readers need advice on how to manage doctors, medication, and overall healthcare for their loved ones and themselves. The Patient's Checklist, is an easy, indispensable guide to taking charge of your medical care during a hospital visit.
First published by Sterling in 2011, this title has been completely revised and updated.
Whether you're addressing the rising chaos of a pandemic or preparing for a scheduled surgery, having checklists prepared to guide you through a hospital visit can often mean the difference between comfort and pain, personal and distant care--and even life or death.

In today's hospital system, you can face a series of perplexing obstacles to satisfactory care, from overworked healthcare providers to understaffed facilities--which are heightened in times of crisis. You need to know how to take charge of your own healthcare; Elizabeth Bailey shows you how to do just that with a series of essential, easy-to-use checklists to better manage, monitor, and participate in your own healthcare, including: Before You Go, What to Bring, Master Medication List, Discharge Plan, and more.

It is more important than ever to have a protocol, including a detailed plan for hygiene and communications while hospitalized. You can trust the medical staff, but you also need to trust yourself or a loved one to be your own best advocate. Newly revised and completely up-to-date, The Patient's Checklist shows you how.

A former producer, director, and vice president of video production for several major record labels, Elizabeth Bailey holds a Master's in Health Advocacy from Sarah Lawrence College and works as a patient representative. She lives in New York with her husband and son.
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Published 2020-07-27 by Hachette Go


Check this out before checking in: if you go in can better advocate for your own well-being.

Prepare for your hospital stay: Elizabeth Bailey, author of The Patient's Checklist, says going through simple checklists can make an unexpected hospital visit go smoothly.

The Patient's Checklist aims to guide patients safely through every stage in a hospital stay, starting before you arrive and continuing on through that crucial transition phase in care when you leave the hospital for home or rehab. 'It's not brain surgery to learn to become more involved in your care,' says Bailey. 'The book gives an idea for a framework and helps with how to ask questions.'

Elizabeth Bailey learned what could go wrong in a hospital the hard way: by watching her elderly father endure a long in-patient nightmare. Six years later, she has turned that system into a book.

Medication mistakes and communication failures can make hospital care riskier than it needs to be. These tips will help patients get the compassion they need.

The Patient's Checklist should be in the hands of all families in the event of a hospital stay. The information could save your or a loved one's life.

Elizabeth Bailey's book puts a human face on the devastating toll medical errors have on patients and their families, and clearly shows that when we use checklists to improve the quality of care, we save lives. I have seen the power of this important tool; using checklists in a hospital setting, we nearly eliminated bloodstream infections, a preventable disease that kills about as many people every year as breast cancer. Imagine what the simple checklists in this book can do for you.

The Patient's Checklist [is] a book of 10 checklists that address many of the essentials for a hospital stay, including sections on what to bring with you, medication management, how to make your hospital stay safer and more comfortable, and planning for your discharge.

Elizabeth Bailey's book could save your life. I've been pushing for people to understand how checklists work and can be made to empower them. Bailey has done precisely this for patients--that is, for all of us.

A godsend for concerned friends and relatives trying to rein in the chaos. Bravo to [Bailey] for turning that all too common misery to a constructive end.