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Dmitry Pavlov
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The Physics of Belief

Vitaly and Tatiana Tikhoplav

Before this wonderful book was issued, people wishing to turn to religious belief had to blindly accept the existence of God and the idea that this world has a divine origin. The only thing they could rely on was some intuitive perceptions. However, the Tikhoplavs found and described plenty of scientific evidence to prove that God rules everything that is happening on earth and does influence people’s destinies. Religion and science have been debating for many centuries, and this sensational book might put an end to these debates and reconcile the two opposite points of view. Referring to the laws of physics and scientific experiments, scientists prove that our world has got several dimensions. Those who are now aware of it are restricted to a very small living space. The authors explain why people are not able to see the true nature of reality and also why some simple phenomena of true reality (such as angels or the possibility to materialize your thoughts) started to be perceived as a wonder and turned into fiction. The book shows how Providence works on each level of the World, how many levels there are and what makes them different from each other. You will learn what substances form a soul, where the souls of lovers first meet before they get acquainted and how stars affect people’s thoughts. All these issues seem absolutely disconnected, yet in fact they are very close, and the answers that the authors give will help the readers to break free from the one-level world perception. This book is a revelation for those who want to strip disguise from the common world and see it in its entirety. Table of Contents: The Physics of Belief
List of Abbreviations
A Word to the Reader
From the Authors
Chapter 1. Science's Acceptance of the Creator
1.1 Science and Religion
1.2 A New Scientific Paradigm
1.3 Science and the Subtle World
1.4 Worldwide Russian National Council
Chapter 2. Scientific Aspects of the Secrets of the Universe
2.1 Scientic Conception of the Physical Vacuum
2.1.1 Fallacy of the Ether
2.1.2 Fizeau's Experiment
2.1.3 Michelson's Experience
2.1.4 Exile of the Ether
2.1.5 A little about the Theory of Relativity
2.1.6 About Quantum Mechanics
About the Principles of Uncertainty and Complementarity
About Bell's Theorem
2.1.7 Dirac's Sea
The Particle and the Anti-particle
Virtual Particles
Polarization of the Vacuum
2.1.8 The Physical Vacuum
About the Formation of a Unified Picture of the World
About G. I. Shipov's Work
Properties of the Physical Vacuum
Levels of Reality in the Universe
First Level - The Absolute 'Nothing'
Second Level - The Field of Consciousness of the Universe
Third Level - The Physical Vacuum
2.2 Torsion Fields
2.2.1 Properties of Torsion Fields
2.2.2 Practical Use of Torsion Technologies
Chapter 3 - Information, Consciousness, and Man
3.1 About Information
3.2 About Consciousness
3.3 Man and Torsion Fields
3.4 Sensational Facts
3.5 Scientific Version of the Creation of the World
3.6 The Subtle World is a Reality!
About the Soul leaving the Body
The Avatar Sathya Sai Baba
About Teleportation
Road to the Temple (Conclusion)