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Sebastian Ritscher
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Seth Godin

For any artist, entrepreneur, or visionary who feels stuck, Seth Godin has a simple answer: Commit to the practice.
Your work is your art. The successful scientist, entrepreneur, marketer, painter or non-profit leader is an artist. An artist who does something magical, something generous, and something important. This is art. But when it comes to making art, there is no guaranteed formula. Only a pattern all creatives follow, and the consistent practice of its pursuit. And while engaging in the practice doesn't guarantee fame, fortune, or a spot on the wall at the MoMA (in fact, the lack of a guarantee is part of the deal), ignoring it means that you're doomed to frustration, heartache, and never being heard. Once you see it, you can't unsee it.

There are a lot of surprises in this extraordinary little book, surprises that will dramatically shift the way you engage with your work and your career. THE PRACTICE will help you dance with your fear, take the risks worth taking, and embrace the empathy required to make work that connects with others. This breakthrough book will show you a path forward, encourage intent in every facet of your work, and help you seek out constraints.

One idea at a time, Seth Godin will turn your assumptions about the creative process upside down and help you to look at the world from a different angle. You will recognize your art for what it is: an act of generosity, an assertion, a way to make change--as well as what it can never be--something that will make everyone happy, never meet criticism, and never feel scary. In our rush to be safe, we sow the seeds of our own disappointment. You will walk away with practical strategies for overpowering the naysayers, radically trusting your own voice, and finally doing the work you were put on this earth to do.

Seth Godin has walked this walk. He has started successful companies, taught millions of people, and left his mark on our creative culture. He is the author of 19 international bestsellers translated into more than 35 languages, including Tribes, Purple Cow, Linchpin, The Dip, and This Is Marketing. He writes daily at, which is one of the most popular blogs in the world. He is also the founder of the altMBA and The Akimbo Workshops, online seminars that have transformed the work of thousands of people. He writes about the post-industrial revolution, the way ideas spread, marketing, quitting, leadership and most of all, changing everything.
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Published 2020-11-03 by Portfolio


UK / Commonw.: Penguin Business ; Arabic: Arab Scientific ; Korean: Sam & Parkers ; Portuguese (Brazil): Alta Books ; Portuguese (Portugal): Porto ; Romanian: Publica ; Turkish: Mavi Agac

This is the book I need right now. It's an extraordinary and electrifying call to action for writers, artists and creators in every walk of life. I re-read passages and felt as if my own secret creed was being explained back to me, in words I hadn't yet found.

The Practice is a user's manual for finding your calling and an alchemist's handbook for pursuing your dream.

Seth's book is a skeleton key specially molded to unlock the most creative version of you. Read it, and find yourself free to be who you know you really are.

With surgical precision, The Practice attacks our predictable misconceptions about the creative process and replaces them with better ideas, one by one. This book will inspire you to make things, hone your craft, and nudge you to ship things you are proud of. Read it.

The Practice explains that what looks like a barrier is often a catalyst in disguise. Magic may not come from what we can see on the stage but from behind it, where the wood chopping happens.