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Corey Brettschneider

Five Leaders Who Threatened Democracy and the Citizens Who Fought to Defend It

In this propulsive and eminently readable history, constitutional law and political science professor Corey Brettschneider provides a thoroughly researched account of assaults on democracy by not one such president but five.
Imagine an American president who imprisoned critics, spread a culture of white supremacy, and tried to upend the law so that he could commit crimes with impunity. In this propulsive and eminently readable history, constitutional law and political science professor Corey Brettschneider provides a thoroughly researched account of assaults on democracy by not one such president but five. John Adams waged war on the national press of the early republic, overseeing numerous prosecutions of his critics. In the lead-up to the Civil War, James Buchanan colluded with the Supreme Court to deny constitutional personhood to African Americans. A decade later, Andrew Johnson urged violence against his political opponents as he sought to guarantee a white supremacist republic after the Civil War. In the 1910s, Woodrow Wilson modernized, popularized, and nationalized Jim Crow laws. In the 1970s, Richard Nixon committed criminal acts that flowed from his corrupt ideas about presidential power. Through their actions, these presidents illuminated the trip wires that can damage or even destroy our democracy. Corey Brettschneider shows that these presidents didn't have the last word; citizen movements brought the United States back from the precipice by appealing to a democratic understanding of the Constitution and pressuring subsequent reform-minded presidents to realize the promise of "We the People." This is a book about citizens - Frederick Douglass, Ida B. Wells, Daniel Ellsberg, and more - who fought back against presidential abuses of power. Their examples give us hope about the possibilities of restoring a fragile democracy. Corey Brettschneider is a professor at Brown University, where he teaches constitutional law and politics. He has written for the New York Times, Politico, the Washington Post, and Time, and is the author of the book The Oath and the Office. He lives in New York.
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Published 2024-07-02 by W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. - New York (USA)


'I'd Rather Have 10 Ken Starrs Than One Donald Trump' A new book explores the history of presidents who abused their constitutional power and the citizen movements that stopped them. There's a lesson for a second Trump administration. Read more...

Rarely can a book be called indispensable, but here the term applies. At a time when aspiring autocrats appear to be winning across the globe, it is essential to remind citizens why they should not lose hope. With deft sketches from US history, one of our finest constitutional theorists demonstrates how so-called ordinary people, rather than having to rely on judges or professional politicians to save the system, can themselves play a crucial role in the process of recovering democracy.

Corey Brettschneider's carefully researched The Presidents and the People chronicles American heads of state who abused their power, and people who stood up to them. Read more...

Brown professor Corey Brettschneider on the presidents who have threatened democracy and the citizens who fought back Read more...

Timely and provocative. Brettschneider's claims seem less like history than prognostication. Read more...

Corey Brettschneider traces a stunning pattern right across American history. Again and again, brave citizens wielded the Constitution against power, arrogance, and racism to save the republic. The Presidents and the People challenges our conventional wisdom about the presidents, the people, the courts, and democracy itself. Deeply researched, beautifully written, dramatic, wise, and inspiring - a must-read for scholars, citizens, and anyone interested in how the United States really works.

An inspired history dramatically rendered: the crises five past presidents inflicted on the nation and the moral sense, political skill, and persistence the people mustered to restore constitutional order. Richard Nixon's abuse of power, however, eluded recovery - why? The Presidents and the People supplies a guide and issues a warning.

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[A]n essential survey. [The Presidents and the People] is an invaluable breakdown of present-day concerns in an illuminating historical context. Read more...

A welcome reminder, in a time of growing repression, of the power of well-placed dissent. Read more...

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Informative and stimulating.. This carefully researched book explores in detail how presidents in different eras abused their power.