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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
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Donna Thorland

1775, Boston Harbor. James Sparhawk, Master and Commander in the British Navy, knows trouble when he sees it...
This NAL Trade title is the second in a trilogy following THE TURNCOAT.
The ship he’s boarded is carrying ammunition and gold…into a country on the knife’s edge of war. Sparhawk’s duty is clear: confiscate the cargo, impound the vessel and seize the crew. But when one of the ship’s boys turns out to be a lovely girl, with a loaded pistol and dead-shot aim, Sparhawk finds himself held hostage aboard a Rebel privateer.

Sarah Ward never set out to break the law. Before Boston became a powder keg, she was poised to escape the stigma of being a notorious pirate’s daughter by wedding Micah Wild, one of Salem’s most successful merchants. Then a Patriot mob destroyed her fortune and Wild played her false by marrying her best friend and smuggling a chest of Rebel gold aboard her family’s ship.

Now branded a pirate herself, Sarah will do what she must to secure her family’s safety and her own future. Even if that means taking part in the cat and mouse game unfolding in Boston Harbor, the desperate naval fight between British and Rebel forces for the materiel of war—and pitting herself against James Sparhawk, the one man she cannot resist.

Graduating from Yale with a degree in Classics and Art History, Donna managed architecture and interpretation at the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem for several years. She then earned an MFA in film production from the USC School of Cinematic Arts. She has been a Disney/ABC Television Writing Fellow and a WGA Writer's Access Project Honoree, and has written for the TV shows Cupid and Tron: Uprising. The director of several award-winning short films, her most recent project, The Night Caller, aired on WNET Channel 13. Her fiction has appeared in Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine and Albedo One. She is married with one cat and divides her time between Los Angeles and Salem.
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Published 2014-03-01 by NAL Trade


Published 2014-03-01 by NAL Trade


Authentic detail, amazing characters, and a dazzlingly broad sweep of action make this a richly romantic adventure that’s hard to put down. Truly brilliant. Prepare to be blown away.

A fast paced, soundly researched historical intrigue, with vivid characters and sharp writing, The Rebel Pirate is a compelling read.

Donna Thorland has done it again, and it's even more of a scorching read this time. A pirate heroine falls for a stiff-lipped British captain in this sexy, dangerous gallop through the American Revolution. Swashbuckling high seas adventure crossed with desire-driven romance, all dished up with perfect historical detail from head to heel.