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Sara Donati

In this epic tale of survival, redemption, and love, a young midwife travels West to the New Mexico Territory to care for women in need and faces dangers more harrowing than the ones she's fleeing.
1857: In a bid to outrun her past, Carrie Ballentyne accepts a nursing position with a doctor in the New Mexico Territory. She knows the journey from New York to Santa Fe will not be easy, but she relishes the adventure. However, nothing could have prepared her for the wilderness she encounters. Its vastness and power are awe-inspiring, stunning in both beauty and brutality. To endure, she must learn to rely on her fellow travelers - and one enigmatic man in particular. As the small, tightknit group faces challenge after challenge, she feels her heart opening to this rugged land - and the people willing to risk so much for each other. The trip West is only the beginning of Carrie's new challenges though. In Santa Fe, she helps women bring new life into the world with compassion and respect, making her beloved among new mothers. Soon though, she realizes that her employer and his wife are keeping secrets from her, and she must ferret out the truth to protect their young daughter. But to save the little girl she's come to cherish, Carrie will have to face the demons in her own past. A feat which will take all of her bravery - and the help of the man she's come to love and rely on above all others. With its vivid descriptions of the rugged Western landscape and its irresistible characters, The Sweet Blue Distance is the unforgettable story of one woman's courage to heal herself, her family, and the women entrusted to her care. Sara Donati is the international bestselling author of Where the Light Enters, The Gilded Hour, and the Wilderness series, which includes Into the Wilderness, Dawn on a Distant Shore, Lake in the Clouds, Fire Along the Sky, Queen of Swords, and The Endless Forest. She is a native of Chicago but currently lives on the Puget Sound.
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Published 2024-04-02 by Berkley


Meticulous research, a host of fictional characters, backstories woven seamlessly into historical settings, and Donati's marvelous storytelling all prove fertile ground to sow details of the American West, white colonialism, and the genocidal annihilation of tribal life. It's immersive and compelling, with a delicate balance which never oversteps itself. Written in the tradition of the best of historical fiction, Donati's sweeping novel is as expansive as the magnificent land through which Carrie and Eli ride.

The Sweet Blue Distance, another immersive historical novel from Sara Donati, explores midwifery, mental illness, racial dynamics, and romance in 1857 New Mexico. Connecting her six-book Wilderness series and her Waverly Place series, Donati's narrative follows nurse-midwife Carrie Ballentyne as she travels across the country from Manhattan to Santa Fe and navigates unfamiliar languages, relationships, and challenges in her new home. Read more...

In this interview, author Sara Donati discusses the roadblocks that made the writing process longer than usual for new historical novel, The Sweet Blue Distance. Read more...

In a stunning tour de force, Donati portrays compelling characters and illuminates a key aspect of American history surrounding the acquisition of half of Mexico in the Mexican American War and the growing discord between slave and free states.