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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
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Lisa Graff

The thing about poodles is that Georgie hates to walk them.
The thing about Jeanie the Meanie is that she would rather write on her shoe than help Georgie with their Abraham Lincoln project. The thing about Georgie's mom is that she's having a baby—a baby who will probably be taller than Georgie very, very soon. And the thing about Georgie... well, what is the thing about Georgie?
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Published 2007-02-01 by Laura Geringer Books/ HarperCollins


Published 2007-02-01 by Laura Geringer Books/ HarperCollins


This is a remarkable story of maturation, featuring a boy whose growing up is not evident on the tape measure he keeps hidden in the back of his closet. Georgie's anxieties ring absolutely true, from his fears at making new friends to his worry that an average-size sibling will outshine him, and readers will readily embrace the complexity of concerns running through Georgie's head . . . This entertaining and thoughtful read will encourage youngsters to consider the true nature of growth.

This first novel uses the unconventional tactic of introducing its main character by inviting readers to touch their left ears with their right hands, something that young Georgie cannot do, "because the thing was, Georgie Bishop was a dwarf." . . . [Graff] sensitively and accurately depicts the emotions he struggles with. In Georgie, Graff has created a likable, realistic fourth-grade who is a dwarf, and more.

Nine-year-old Georgie has height issues. As a dwarf, he isn't likely to grow much taller than his current 42 inches. Consequently school furniture is awkward, running track or playing a musical instrument isn't possible, and he knows his soon-to-be new sibling will quickly outgrow him physically. To make matters worse, he's had a misunderstanding with his best friend, Andy, and is being forced to partner with Jeanie the Meanie for a school report . . . First novelist Graff employs a light touch, turning in a poignant, often funny exploration of what it means to celebrate one's skills rather than lamenting one's limitations . . . An upbeat and sensitive look at what it's like to be different, this novel will spark discussion.