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Susanne Simor
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The Trumpets of Jericho

Heimito von Doderer

"The Trumpets of Jericho" tells the story of a nameless well-educated man on the outskirts of Vienna (who unmistakably bears the author's traits) and who out of an existential weakness finds himself in increasingly questionable moral circumstances.

First he witnesses a sexual assault on a little girl in a dark hallway. This is followed by degenerating alcoholic excesses and a malicious trumpet prank of a horde of men, aimed at a graceful old lady. But because Mrs Ida is not at home the nocturnal noise attack fails. Alarmed by the janitor the police riot squad appears and puts an abrupt end to the gross mischief. This is a furious darkly tinted masterpiece by the anti-psychologist Heimito von Doderer who himself liked to call this book his 'actual masterpiece'.

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Published 2023-05-22 by C.H.Beck

Main content page count: 80 Pages