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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher


Melody Anne

Powerful, loyal, unforgettable—follow the Titans as they find true love! In The Tycoon’s Vacation, Drew Titan finally meets the right woman on an exotic vacation—and then has to find her and win her back after they leave paradise.
Derek Titan is a cut-throat business mogul who has reached the top without looking back. He left his humble origins behind, and is now seeking revenge for the girl that not only got away, but took the last of his trust with her. Jasmine Freeman had loved Derek with a teenager’s naiveté and spent ten years thinking he had left her. When Derek takes over Jasmine’s father’s company, they will be together for the first time in a decade, rekindling their passion. Derek is determined to have Jasmine, and she is determined to fight him, but in the end there is not much that can extinguish the blaze of passion between them. Melody Anne is the author of the bestselling series Billionaire Bachelors. She has also written a YA series entitled Midnight Fire. She holds a bachelor’s degree in business and loves to write about strong, powerful businessmen who find love and a happily-ever-after ending.
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Published 2012-01-01 by self-published eBook