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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher


Nick Maggiulli

Nick Maggiulli is the creator of the popular blog Of Dollars and Data and author of JUST KEEP BUYING, which is Harriman House's second bestselling title after Morgan Housel's The Psychology of Money.
THE WEALTH LADDER is the book that Nick has been dying to write. In it he presents a framework for readers that will impact everything from how they choose careers, take risks, think about spending, saving and investing, and more. They'll see that the difference between those who build wealth and those who don't isn't how hard they work, but where they focus their time and energy. Thankfully, with THE WEALTH LADDER you won't need to guess about where to focus yours. Nick Maggiulli is the Chief Operating Officer and Data Scientist at Ritholtz Wealth Management, where he oversees operations across the firm and provides insights on business intelligence. He is the author of Just Keep Buying (Harriman House, April 2022) and Of Dollars and Data, a blog focused on the intersection of data and personal finance. His work has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, CNBC, and The Los Angeles Times. He graduated from Stanford University with a degree in Economics and currently resides in New York City.
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Published 2025-07-22 by Portfolio


The Random House Group, Limited UK Commonwealth Ginkgo (Shanghai) Book Co., Ltd. Chinese, simplified Business Weekly Chinese, complex Ulrico Hoepli Editore S.p.A. Italian Diamond, Inc. Japanese RH Korea Co., Ltd. Korean Editora Schwarcz S.A. Portuguese / Brazil SC Publica Com SRL Romanian Hoepli Spanish