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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
Original language


Y.N. Heller Roger Ma

A Guide to Fighting the Living Dead

During a zombie outbreak, 98% of individuals will have to destroy their undead opponent without the aid of a firearm. Will you be ready?
The Zombie Combat Manual is a comprehensive guide that dernonstrates how anyone, from seasoned fighter to average citizen, can become an effective warrior in the inevitable battle against the undead.
With detailed illustrations and firsthand accounts from zombie combat veterans, this manual provides readers with the information they need to emerge victoriously from a dose combat encounter with a walking corpse. Now is the time to learn how to survive a hand-to-hand battle against the advancing army of the undead - before humans fall prey to their growing ranks.

Roger Ma is the founder of the Zombie Combat Club. He is also a Team Chief for New York City's Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT), a civilian volunteer group managed by the Office of Emergency Management (OEM) that assists first responders in the event of a city emergency - including zombie attack. Ma currently works as a marketing executive at a Fortune 500 financial institution. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.
Available products

Published 2010-04-01 by Berkley Books


Published 2010-04-01 by Berkley Books


Spanish: Tebeos Dolmen Editorial