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Hanser Fachbuch
Gabriele Josiger
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Theory of Computer Science

Dirk W. Hoffmann

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the theory of computer science and covers the material required for bachelor studies of computer science and information technology.

The layout and the didactic approach aim for a practical access for what could appear to be very theory heavy topics. Theoretical computer science need not be a dry matter to study. It can be fun to learn and this is just what the book sets out to do. It introduces the various methods and processes using actual examples and many cross references. These will demonstrate how fundamental findings of theoretical computer science impact modern information technology.


The text covers these topics: Logic and Deduction, Theory of Automation, Formal Languages, Theory of Decidability, Theory of Calculability and Theory of Complexity. The teaching material of all chapters is enhanced with many exercises. This way the textbook can be used in class and for self-study.

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Published 2018-08-01 by Hanser , ISBN: 9783446457935

Main content page count: 431 Pages

ISBN: 9783446457935