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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
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Mary Rakow

A woman, Bernadette, is sitting in prayerful meditation, waiting to offer her first confession in more than 30 years.
She holds a small book on her lap, one that she’s made, and tells herself again the Bible stories it contains, the ones she has written anew, for herself, each story told aslant, from Jonah to Jesus, Moses to Mary Magdalen. Woven together and stitched by hand, they provide a new version, virtually a new translation, of the heart of this ancient and sacred text. Rakow's Bernadette traces, through each brief and familiar story, a line where belief and disbelief touch, the line that has been her home, ragged and neglected, that hidden seam.

The result is an amazing book of extraordinary beauty, so human and humorous, and yet so holy it becomes a work of poetry, a canticle, a song of lament and praise. In the private terrain of silence and devotion, shared with us by a writer of power and grace, Rakow offers, through Bernadette, her own lectio divina for the modern world.

No reader will forget this book or be able to read the Bible itself without a new perspective on this text that remains, arguably, Western civilization's greatest literary achievement.

Mary Rakow’s The Memory Room (Counterpoint 2004) was a PEN USA/West Finalist in Fiction, shortlisted for the International Saroyan Prize in Literature, and listed among the Best Books of the West by Los Angeles Times. She is also the recipient of two Lannan Foundation Residencies and a Lannan Foundation Literary Fellowship.
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Published 2015-12-15 by Counterpoint


Published 2015-12-15 by Counterpoint


This is Why I Came is made salvific by its searching; rather than confronting the fact of human suffering with assertions of light, the novel voyages further into the darkness of essential mystery. Resistant to crystalline denouement and wary of firm answers, it beautifully bares the ragged edges of uncertainty. In cracking open ancient texts and considering them anew, Rakow insists on the value in still grappling with those ageless, unresolvable matters-questions of where we came from, and why, and how we might be now that we are here. Read more...

We think we know the Bible. We think we know these old stories like we know our bodies. But Rakow explores the silences in these texts imagining realities yet undreamt. Boldly and reverently she collapses time in her treatment of these biblical figures, grows forms and lifts the framework so that word becomes breath. This is what we look for in art, a vision that adds to the quality of our own consciousness, that breaks through reality as we know it. Our transfiguration.... In her hands, words become cups of light and symbols are given their potential to reveal, again and anew, what it is to be human.

This Is Why I Came is a remarkable and remarkably unclassifiable book... This is a book of great and dangerous grace.

INTRIGUING...The outlines of the Bible stories are familiar, but their characters are more rounded, more poignant in Rakow's spare but poetic telling. Read more...

Who would dare re-imagine the stories of the Bible? Mary Rakow, that's who. Author of a brilliant debut novel, The Memory Room, a Harvard Divinity School graduate gifted with the ear of a poet, Rakow's long awaited second novel, This is Why I Came is unusual, effortlessly lyrical and philosophically direct. The product of someone, rare in our time, who seems possessed of a biblical imagination. That the novel is controversial and culturally timely is clear, entering the current belief/disbelief debate in an intimate and original way. Yet the novel gifts us with far more than that. It is a ticket into a dream where the opaque feels transparent again, the shallow, profound and the presumed irrelevance of biblical characters, including God himself, is explored. In place of this rumor of our shared smallness, the transcendent quality of the world, of the ordinary, feels not only possible but logical, natural and true. As I read the last page, I was caught up in a trance where new meanings and understanding found a place to take flight.

Rakow's latest novel brims with wildly imagined Bible stories, into which she infused new layers of mystery and mysticism, ambiguity and wonder. In her hands, tales we've heard all our lives achieve the miracle of surprise. Read more...

This lean volume filled my soul. Rapturously beautiful, tender, complex, Mary Rakow has written sentences and entire passages you need to read aloud to really hear the symphony of language. You can debate the message of This is Why I Came, but you must acknowledge its wisdom.

Filled with brief, often poetic recastings of the Old and New Testaments... An affecting flash-fiction reimagining of the Good Book. Read more...

[Rakow has] cast off her academic robe for this delicate work of fiction, which is informed by the most basic human desires and disappointments. ...the Old Testament chapters that open the book feel more imaginative, less constrained by fighting against theological dogma. Rakow moves unpredictably from the simple, stark details of the Sunday School versions we know to her own striking emendations and elaborations....brief as these prose poems are, they're still capable of arresting moments and startling insights ... the novel is tremendously poignant as it follows the life of Joseph, who speaks no words in the Gospels but finds his voice here. Read more...

In a gorgeous melding of fable, theology, and poetry, Mary Rakow offers us versions of Bible stories that restore the gift of those stories' strangeness, which is to say their deep humanness. This disquieting, consoling novel is a book of questions, a book of doors: a companion for the long night of our unknowing.

A sense of compassion radiates from every character...these fabulous narratives shed light on their nameless author's own relationship with God and illuminate religious tales ingrained in so many readers' minds. Read more...

In these few exquisite pages, Rakow strips the skin of centuries from the central narratives of Western Culture, exposing the rawly human in all our grief and yearning. She portrays religion not as refuge, as gift, but as an arena of mistakes, passion and error, delusion--the profoundly disruptive encounter with God. An inflammatory, Blakean tour de force.

EXTRAORDINARY ... In 62 very brief tales, she evokes kindred spirits buffeted by a sense of divine implacability... Rakow's feat in these fragments is to blend the gnomic and the prosaic, skepticism and wonder. Read more...

...In Bernadette's Bible, man and God are both vulnerable to each other's disappointment, both culpable for their own mistakes. Whether God made man in his image or vice versa begins to seems moot. Either way, we're in the soup together. Read more...