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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher


Dario Fani

There once was a man who was always running, and a child who could only walk slowly. Life put them together. Life made the former a father, and the latter his son. Thus began an important story: a love story.
“This book is about the first three months in the life of my son, three months in the incubator, with wires, hoses, medical devices, special soaps, neon lights and gloves. He was a premature infant. Maybe this is a novel, maybe it’s not. It does not matter. I focus only on the first three months in his life as I think they are of primary importance: then it was decided whether his life and my life would be a misfortune or an adventure. My son has Down Syndrome. I began to talk to him, I was passionate and enraged, and he was “guilty”, he had not met my expectations. Before his birth I was successful, I was fast and I met only successul people. I thought suffering and unhappiness were the evidence, the prooves of failure. My son made me understand several things. His problems opened my heart and tought me to be modest and respectful. I do not keep unhappy people at distance, I do not flee from them anylonger. I think this is the greatest achievement in my life. I gave birth to my son but he gave birth to me as well, for sure." Dario Fani: Sociologist and expert in the fields of communication and education. He is a consultant for the Fondazione Internazionale Fatebenefratelli. Ti seguirò fuori dall’acqua is his first book.
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Published 2015-01-01 by Salani


Video von Fernsehauftritt des Autors - su Rai 3 condotto da Michele Mirabella Read more...

Author is invited to Forum, the popular TV program hosted by Barbara Palombelli: Venerdì alle ore 11 Dario Fani sarà ospite del programma Forum condotto da Barbara Palombelli su Canale 5.

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... Con il passare del tempo però, a quella che era paura dell’ignoto, si è sostituita la consapevolezza che, anche se la vita non sarebbe stata quella attesa, la perdita principale era quella dei propri sogni, non quella di un figlio. Read more...

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Video von Fernsehauftritt des Autors

Una storia d’amore...

E ricco di una conspevolezza nuova...

Video von Fernsehauftritt des Autors - su Canale 5 condotto da Barbara Palombelli Read more...