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Frances Watts Gregory Rogers

Another adventure in the Sword Girl series featuring the feisty Thomasina. Tommy is invited to a tournament, but there's just one problem: she has never ridden a horse before.
Flamant Castle is having a tournament! But when one of the squires is injured during practice, Sir Benedict asks Tommy to take his place. He even offers her one of his own horses to ride. It's a dream come true for Tommy. There's just one problem: she has never ridden a horse before - and every time she tries to ride Bess, the horse throws her off! Time is running out... How will Tommy be able to compete? Frances Watts was born in Lausanne, a small city in the French-speaking part of Switzerland, and moved to Sydney when she was three. She spent nearly ten years working with some of Australia's most talented children's authors and illustrators before writing a book of her own, Kisses for Daddy, beautifully illustrated by David Legge. Their second collaboration, Parsley Rabbit's Book about Books, won the Children's Book Council of Australia's Eve Pownall Award. She is also the author Rat in a Stripy Sock (illustrated by David Francis) and the Gerander Trilogy. Gregory Rogers was the first Australian to be awarded the prestigious Kate Greenaway Medal. His first wordless picture book The Boy, the Bear, the Baron, the Bard was selected as one of the Ten Best Illustrated Picture Books of 2004 by the New York Times and short-listed for the CBCA Awards, Younger Readers, 2005 and the APA Best Designed Children's Picture Book, 2004. Gregory lives in Brisbane.
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Published 2012-09-01 by Allen&Unwin