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James Lecesne

TREVOR by James Lecesne was first a theatre piece then a short film (sponsored by Jodie Foster) that won the Academy Award IN 1994 and then a young adult book. The Trevor Project is a lifeline dedicated to help young LGBTQ. The book is an updated version of the movie and reads almost like a diary.

Trevor is an exuberant, sociable, and witty thirteen year old. So how come, when he takes that nerve-wrecking turn toward his locker at school, does he feel scared and alone? Shunned by his friends, misunderstood by his parents, and harassed at school for being different, Trevor goes from wondering what color glitter to choose for his Lady Gaga costume at Halloween, to wondering why some feelings "are so intense it makes you just want to lay down and die rather than go on feeling it," and making an attempt on his life. Trevor mixes humor and realism in an urgent look at what it is like to feel alienated from everything around you. And more importantly, what critical ties can step in at the most unlikely moment, to save you from despair, and give you reason to go on living.
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Published 2023-05-11 by Seven Stories Press


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