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Morfemplus publishing
Peter Kealjic
Original language

Trouble with Monstersaurs

Adriano Janežič Helena Kraljič

translated into English by David Limon, Ph.D., translated into German by Christiane Leskovec Redek, Ph.D.

It seems there are not enough stories about dinosaurs. The children keep reaching for them and demanding them over and over again. The story introduces carnivorous and herbivorous dinosaurs. The carnivores unite and decide to take over the world, making the herbivores almost too afraid to breathe. In their terrible fear of the carnivores, the herbivores think of a trick. They decide to throw a bone to the carnivores. There is an inscription on the bone, saying that only the scariest of the carnivores can have it. This makes them quarrel terribly, because every dinosaur thinks the bone belongs to him. The herbivores’ trick has worked, and the dinosaurs are happy that common sense won this time.
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Published by Morfem

Main content page count: 28 Pages