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Ryan Holiday

Confessions of a Media Manipulator

Ryan Holiday knows how to control blogs. He dove into a PR career creating wildly successful and infamous campaigns for American Apparel and bestselling authors like Tucker Max and others. In this controversial and timely expose, he reveals the shocking trade secrets he has used to his clients’ advantage.
Holiday divulges the dark art of information manipulation, including how he: - Paid an unknown blog practically nothing to run a tiny ad for American Apparel featuring porn star Sasha Grey, causing a firestorm - Fooled Jezebel into posting pictured from an ad campaign he couldn’t use – and got the popular blog to run it as an “exclusive” - Purposefully engineered the public backlash to Tucker Max’s movie “I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell,” for massive press exposure. He also reveals: - The anatomy of a successful blog post, from headlines that keep you clicking to user-unfriendly designs thatkeep you hitting “refresh” - How blogs fabricate scandals, and turn them into front page news in under an hour - How marketers plant fake stories with microblogs, and get them “traded up the chain” to major media outlets Ryan is no media critic. He’s an active insider blowing the lid off of how easily the modern media system can be gamed. Ryan Holiday is a media strategist whose clients have included bestselling authors Tucker Max and Robert Greene, several multiplatinum musicians, and fashion provocateur DovCharney. As Director of Marketing at American Apparel, he has crafted and executed some of the company’s most successful product launches, including a $5 million nail polish line, American Apparel denim, the Legalize Gay campaign and a factory sale in London that caused a riot when 30,000 people showed up. His work has been written about in AdAge, the New York Times, Gawker and Fast Company.
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Published 2012-07-01 by Portfolio


Published 2012-07-01 by Portfolio


Chinese (complex): Faces Publications Chinese (simplified): Grand China Publishing Portuguese (Brazil): Editora Nacional Spanish: Ediciones Urano Turkish: Kapital Medya

American Apparel Strategist Ryan Holiday Outs ‘Crazy’ Bloggers in Disappearing Post, One Day After Duping Every Other Media Outlet. Multiple outlets face retractions after producing false facts from media huckster. Read more...

In his first book, media consultant and American Apparel marketing director Holiday takes on the blogosphere, finding its content to be little more than manufactured and manipulated “conflict, controversy, and crap.” A sharp and disturbing look into the world of online reality.

Nobound galleys. No advance media bookings. No, you can't read it. Go away! First inside the tent will be his 3,000 newsletter subscribers. Then he has commitments for interviews and guest posts with some very influential bloggers, including Chase Jarvis, Copyblogger, TechCrunch, Boing Boing, and Tim Ferriss. Then the traditional media will follow. They're deeply suspicious of Ryan'stricks and many already hate his guts. So they won't be able to resist. Read more...

Eine lesenswerte Analyse der Internet-Medienwelt.

PR exec tells all about manipulating the media -- and spreading lies online. Read more...