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Susanne Simor
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Turn of an Era - 1979

Frank Bösch

When the world of today began

When the world of today began - a fascinating journey to the sources of our present time

In 1979, crises, revolutions and euphoric upheavals were accumulating worldwide. The Iranian revolution, the admission of the Boat People, the opening of China, Margaret Thatcher's neoliberal turn, the nuclear accident in Harrisburg or the foundation of the Green Party brought new topics from Islamism to environmental protection onto the world’s political agenda.

In his brilliant panorama, Frank Bösch describes how these events came to light in 1979 and the far-reaching consequences they had: politically, culturally and - with appeals to save energy, Nicaragua coffee, xenophobia and welcome culture - also for our everyday life. A fascinating journey through time to the sources of our present.

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Published by C.H.Beck

Main content page count: 512 Pages


"An insightful non-fiction book about the birth of neoliberalism and green ideology, the end of the Soviet empire and the beginning of the rule of the Ayatollahs." Denis Scheck, Druckfrisch.