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Anne Buist Graeme Simsion

Three years after any hope for their transatlantic relationship fizzled out, Californian illustrator Zoe and Northern English engineer Martin have another opportunity to follow in the footsteps of pilgrims. This time they won't be walking the well-travelled Camino but the Chemin d'Assise, the path from rural France to Rome.

And this time, rather than each setting off solo in search of themselves, they will be together, accompanying Zoe's outspoken college friend Camille — who, despite her terminal illness, insists she will walk all of the trail to seek an audience with the Pope at the end of the journey. And they will be accompanied by Martin's daughter Sarah, whose own life may be about to fall to bits

TWO STEPS ONWARD is a wise, witty and wine-filled book. It is a novel about the challenge of walking a great distance to figure out what you really want. It's about helping the people you love, and knowing when to let them go.

Most of all, it's about seizing the second chances life offers.

TWO STEPS ONWARD transports us to another place. Part bedroom farce, part ode to the French and Italian countryside, it is a delight to read.

Graeme Simsion is the internationally bestselling author of THE ROSIE PROJECT, THE ROSIE EFFECT and THE ROSIE RESULT, as well as THE BEST OF ADAM SHARP.

Anne Buist is the author of the psychological thrillers DANGEROUS TO KNOW, MEDEA'S CURSE, THIS I WOULD KILL FOR, and THE LONG SHADOW. She is Professor of Women's Mental Health at the University of Melbourne.

Ein Pilger-Roman
Deutsch von Annette Hahn
[HC Fischer Krueger 11/2022]
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Published 2021-06-01 by Text Publishing