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Knesebeck Verlag
Marc-Frederic Schmid
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Norbert Rosing

Polar Bear Territory

/// Printed as high-quality offsets using the PAN4C process /// Stunning wildlife photographs by one of Germany’s most talented nature photographers /// Preface by John Echave, former senior editor, National Geographic magazine, executive producer, Blue Lagoon Productions

Norbert Rosing is regarded as the Arctic and polar bear expert par excellence. His photographs have been published in many of the world’s leading magazines, including the National Geographic and the German GEO. Some of his photographs have become icons, including magnificent images of arctic fox, arctic hare, bald-headed eagle and musk ox, and a series of dramatic photographs of landscapes and natural phenomena. This monumental photobook represents the quintessence of Rosing’s nigh-on fifty journeys to the far north of Canada from the years 1988 to 2007. It combines iconic images and as-yet unpublished material produced for the first time as high-end offset prints using the PAN4C process. A fascinating record of a photographic adventure. Breathtaking images of a vanishing world which diffuses a magic that is hard to resist.

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Published 2016-09-01 by Knesebeck Verlag , ISBN: 9783868739183

Main content page count: 160 Pages

ISBN: 9783868739183