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Ian Bremmer

The Failure of Globalism

From the bestselling author and Time magazine columnist comes a definitive guide to understanding the current global wave of populist nationalism.
From political upheaval in Europe and the United States to an explosion of anger in the developing world, social and political turmoil has dominated recent headlines. What explains this public rejection of the entire political establishment in country after country? What does this mean for the future of the United States? For the European Union? How will rising powers like China, India, Brazil, and Russia manage the building pressures? How high will this wave rise before it crashes?

Globalism has winners and losers, and today's globalist administrations have failed to listen to the losers. Those who have seen their jobs disappear because of increased immigration and relatively open trade are understandably unsympathetic to the claims that globalism is good for everyone. And now that technology gives the losers a glimpse of the winners' slice of the pie, the losers are pushing for a more equal share.

Some governments will respond to these pressures with digital-age tools of repression. Others will find creative new ways to rewrite the contract that binds citizens and the state. What does this all mean for democracy, free trade, and the future of the international order?

No one is better suited to explore these questions than Ian Bremmer, who has built his career on assessing global risk and explaining complex political dynamics in accessible terms.

In US VS. THEM, Bremmer argues that the globalists have failed to respond to the real concerns of their critics and that there is no chance for a do-over; public demand for political transformation is inevitable. Citizens, the state, and the private sector in some parts of the world will invent and adapt. Other nations will fail. This book offers a guide to navigating the shifting political landscape and weathering the growing storm.

Ian Bremmer is the president and founder of Eurasia Group, the leading global political risk research and consulting firm. He has published nine books, including the bestsellersThe End of the Free MarketandEvery Nation for Itself. He lectures widely and writes a weekly foreign affairs column for Time magazine, where he is editor at large. He lives in New York and travels and speaks abroad extensively.
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Published 2018-04-24 by Portfolio


Published 2018-04-24 by Portfolio


Once again, Ian Bremmer provides a striking preview of tomorrow's top stories. A timely warning, but also a source of hope,Us vs. Themis required reading for those worried about our world's future.

Investors Shouldn't Be Worried About Trump's Trade Tariffs: Ian Bremmer Read more...

...Bremmer's book stands out from others on this general topic, though. Most of the new literature focuses almost exclusively on the U.S. or Western Europe. Bremmer takes a much broader view, looking at the developing world as well.... Read more...

Spurred by the backlash against globalization, a foreign-affairs commentator offers a dark prognosis for the world and the future. Howard W. French reviews "Us vs. Them" by Ian Bremmer... Read more...

Ian Bremmer is provocative, controversial, and always intelligent about the state of our world, which he knows so well!

The best book yet on the waves Donald Trump rode to power. Ian Bremmer is right that rage and scorn are not plans. He provides good practical ideas for what can be done.

Few can beat Ian Bremmer in taking the pulse on the health of nations and the world. Here he dives into the divisions and disputes of the wave of protests and populism that gave the US Donald Trump and Europe Brexit.

Author's article in Time Magazine: The 'Strongmen Era' Is Here. Here's What It Means for You Read more...

The Ingraham Angle - interview -- Ian Bremmer talks Trump, North Korea and his new book Read more...

Required reading to help repair a world in pieces and build a world at peace.

CBS Newsvideo

Global politics is a jungle today. Thank goodness Ian Bremmer can be your guide.

CBS-TV - CBS This Morning: interview & excerpt National (USA) Read more...

MSNBC-TV interview with Ali Velshi

A crisp and compelling anatomy of present political ills across many countries. Bremmer's discussion of global approaches to revising the social contract between government and citizen offers a welcome ray of light.

US VS. THEM is on the New York Times Bestseller list: Combined Print & E-book bestseller #15 (05/13/18)

In this gimlet-eyed look at current political trends, Eurasia Group president Bremmer succinctly explains why people all over the world are turning against their neighbors: they feel powerless, angry, and left behind by globalization. Read more...

UK/ Commonw.: Portfolio UK ; Italian: Egea ; Japanese: Nikkei ; Korean: Gilbut ; Romanian: Corint Books srl. ; Russian: AST Publishers

My favorite thinker on geopolitics offers a masterful analysis of why globalism crashed and populism has soared. This book won't just help you predict the future of nations; it will play a role in shaping that future.

Ian Bremmer was honored today as the #1 Influencer on Linked In's Top Voices of 2017! Read more...