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Virgil’s Aeneid

Markus Janka

A Poet, his Work and its Influence

The “Aeneid” became, as it were, the “Roman national epic,” the most famous work of ancient literary history. It tells of the wanderings and battles of the Trojan hero Aeneas, who travels from Troy to Italy and eventually becomes the mythical ancestor of the Romans.

Markus Janka introduces the protagonists of the Aeneid, illuminates the main features of the plot, places the work within Virgil‘s oeuvre, explains the peculiarities of the poetic composition, comments on the significance of this epic for the Augustan period and its ideology, and unlocks its value from both a literary-historical and reader-response perspective.

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Published by C.H.Beck , ISBN: 9783406726880

Main content page count: 0 Pages

ISBN: 9783406726880


Simplified Chinese: Beijing Publishing Group