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Sebastian Ritscher
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Herman Narula

The Metaverse and the New Frontiers of Human Experience

An eye-opening exploration of the age of the metaverse, its ancient origins, and how it is poised to expand the possibilities of human life - from the visionary co-founder of one of today's most innovative technology companies at the forefront of virtual worlds.
Ever since the rebranding of Facebook as "Meta," the notion of "the metaverse" has exploded in the public consciousness. Now shorthand for the next phase of the internet's evolution, the term is generally defined as a series of immersive, three-dimensional digital spaces where people will be able to play, work, and even love - a phenomenon that Bloomberg Intelligence recently predicted will become an $800 billon industry by 2024. But, stepping back from all the euphoria, what do we really mean when we say "the metaverse"?

As entrepreneur Herman Narula argues, the metaverse is actually the latest manifestation of an ancient human tendency: the act of world building. From the Egyptians, whose conception of death inspired them to build the pyramids, to modern-day sports fans, whose passion for a game inspires extreme behavior, humans have long sought to supplement their day-to-day lives with a rich diversity of alternative experiences intended to satisfy their innate need for fulfillment.

Rooting his vision in history and psychology, Narula argues that our intrinsic need for autonomy, accomplishment, and connection can now best be met in virtual "worlds of ideas," in which users will have the chance to create and exchange meaning and value. For Narula, the metaverse is both the growing set of fulfilling digital experiences - ranging from advanced gaming, to entertainment experiences like concerts, and even virtual employment - as well as the empowering framework that allows these spaces to become "networks of useful meaning."

Rigorously researched, passionately argued, and highly accessible, VIRTUAL SOCIETY is a book for entrepreneurs, business readers, and anyone who wants to go beyond the superficial headlines about the metaverse to understand the true contours and immense potential of our inevitable virtual future. And Narula wraps it all up in the final chapter where he goes into some eye-opening places about how the metaverse is going to fragment human evolution.

Herman Narula is not only a visionary expert, but he has a major platform and has been featured by Wired, Financial Times, CNBC, Bloomberg, and more. His TED Talk, The Transformative Power of Video Games has been viewed over 1.85M times. He holds a computer science degree from Cambridge and he lives in London, where his company, Improbable, is based.
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Published 2022-10-11 by Currency


Herman Narula's TED talk has been watched almost 2million times Read more...

A fascinating, provocative case that the metaverse will not merely transform our virtual experiences - it may actually enrich the quality of our lives. If the best way to predict the future is to build it, Herman Narula is holding quite the crystal ball. In this book, he gives you a look inside and establishes himself as a thought leader on the future of humanity and technology.

I've long been fascinated by how technology can be used to augment the human experience. Herman Narula's brilliant book shows how the nascent metaverse has the potential to do that in ways we're just beginning to appreciate. He makes a case that virtual worlds are the latest manifestation of an ancient human drive to enrich our day-to-day lives. This is an important book brimming with big and convincing arguments about where human life is heading.

Herman Narula makes an interesting case on the future of society and the internet. His approach is a journey through history to the present, at times in a spiritual way but mostly in a factual manner which makes a clear case there the future of humanity will contain a version of the Metaverse, even if we may call it by different names when it is finally here. His case is hopeful in a sense that he believes the future of the Metaverse will not end up in the hands of a few conglomerates solely pursuing financial profits. On that, I am not so sure about, but certainly a great book to get the conversation started and make you think about the future.

Interview with WIRED UK Live

Too often, technologists propose a grand vision of the future without much considering the past. I am delighted to see that this is not the case with Herman Narula. His highly impressive book Virtual Society weaves together perspectives of human history and psychology, placing new developments in digital technology within them. The course he charts for the metaverse is one to be taken seriously.

Expansive... Narula even argues that the metaverse could be superior to real life, providing the sense of purpose and fulfillment that most people's jobs in meatspace - the old cyberpunk term for the physical world - signally fail to provide. His diagnosis of the problem is persuasive. Read more...

More than a projection into the future, Herman Narula's vision offers new and compelling answers to the most ancient and important questions: Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?

... I would recommend to anyone with a tech background but also to those without, who are maybe just interested in learning more about the Metaverse, and our future as human beings. Great read!

This mind-expanding, vitally important book blows through superficial takes, showing us where we might be heading.

UK/BC: Penguin Books/PRH ; Chinese (simpl.): China Translation & Publishing ; Chinese (comp.): Commonwealth ; Korean: Next Wave Media Co.; Romanian: Corint Books ; Spanish: Centro Libros; Thai: Matichon ; Turkish: Yeditepe Basim Dagitim ; Vietnamese: Tre Publishing House