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Susanne Simor
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Virtuoso Vileness

Dennis Pausch

The Art of Insulting in Ancient Rome

Asinus asino pulcherrimus (One donkey considers the other one as very beautiful) The most beautiful insults in antiquity. Dennis Pausch invites us to an entertaining advanced training in the art of insulting. The Romans put a lot of love and care into making their opponents furious, ridiculous and contemptuous.

From ironic mockery to aggressive defamation, they used variously refined forms of insult. Some of the most educated and cultured men of their time are said to have really enjoyed this kind of battle. But how do you play this game correctly? When were verbal attacks "successful"? And what did those who were not talented to find a clever way to insult? Dennis Pausch provides surprising insights into the astonishingly ambiguous Roman culture of insults. He uses real examples to illustrate the historical and literary contexts. The book is worth reading - regardless of whether you see the ancient diatribes as a deterrent or as inspiration.

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Published by C.H.Beck

Main content page count: 224 Pages