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Claire Harris
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Phil Letten Matt Letten

A Manifesto for Better Living and not Being an A**hole

Think you could never go vegan? Think again. As this smart, funny and persuasive manifesto makes clear, you're already 90% vegan anyway...
That's right - you already love animals and are slowly but surely eating less meat than you used to. With the insider tips and inspiring stories in this book, you'll be ready to go whole hog (see what we did there?) and eat vegan for good.

Topics include:
- How eating meat hurts your health and the planet (and is pretty close to eating your beloved pet for dinner)
- A simple action plan for getting started
- Don't Be an A**hole to Your Server, and other secrets for eating out
- Who Cares If Honey Is Vegan?: Getting over perfectionism and purity by eating as cruelty-free as you can

With a loyal online following that's growing fast, the Bros are the new face of veganism - loud, proud, and fighting for a better world, one plate at a time.

The Vegan Bros, Matt Letten and Phil Letten, are brothers (and bros) who have transformed their lives by adopting a vegan lifestyle. Popular bloggers, health/fitness consultants, and animal-rights advocates, they've been featured in mainstream media outlets such as VICE, Business Insider, Fast Company, CW, and the Guardian. And they're just getting started.
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Published 2018-06-05 by TarcherPerigee


Published 2018-06-05 by TarcherPerigee


Hilarious and informative. Vodka Is Vegan is one of the funniest books I've read. If you like dogs and don't want to eat them then this book is for you.

Vodka Is Vegan is an absolute ice breaker to get everyone talking about veganism. The Vegan Bros obliterate stereotypes and make their case for vegan world domination in a charming way that will tear down walls. A much-needed book!

If you think going vegan is a great idea, but not for "regular" people like you, think again. The Vegan Bros hilarious and insightful new book shows you the way to a healthier, happier, cruelty-free new you. A fast, funny, and life-changing read!

If you want to see the face - or, to be more accurate, the body of the new wave of veganism, head to the website of the Vegan Bros.

Having long been associated with sprawling, armpit-hair-clad, animal-rights warrior types, the animal-product-free lifestyle is now more closely aligned with ripped, mildly hipster-ish gym bunnies such as bolshy bloggers Vegan Bros.

VODKA IS VEGAN makes the case for a vegan diet in a way that's both hilarious and non-judgmental. The Vegan Bros recognize that everyone is on their own unique path and encourage you on every step you take.

Do you know how many NFL players are switching over to plant-based diets? I see it all the time! Look no further than the very best, Tom Brady. But it's not just a 5x Super Bowl champ that understands the benefits. Vodka Is Vegan is humorous, inspiring and most importantly educational on WHY the world is choosing to go VEGAN!

When speaking with them, it is hard not to think: If this lacrosse-room ebullience is the product of a plant-based diet, I want in.

The Vegan Bros kick a**! Their new book educates and enlightens in a fun way, showing that eating vegan is for people from all walks of life. I recommend it to anyone thinking about making the switch!