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Jonathan Beck
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Wilhelm Bleek

Germany on the Way to Modernity 1815-1848

The ‘Vormärz’ is a period in German history of ill repute. The years between 1815 and 1848 are associated with restoration and repression, a lost period of transition following the Napoleonic period. And yet, the foundations for Germany’s rapid modernisation in the second half of the century were laid in this period. Willhelm Bleek moves the Vormärz out of the shade to show up its fascinating multiplicities and contradictions.

Culturally, the years of the Vormärz are regarded as the time of the ‘Biedermeier’, a period of the retreat into sleepy privacy and sedately comfortable parochialism. And yet, in this period the bourgeoisie displayed considerable self-confidence, supported innovations and, in its lively organisations of associations and societies, became a considerable thorn in the side of the authorities. Goethe wrote the second part of ‘Faust’, the first train lines were built, the telegraph was invented, scientists organised and networked in new ways, choral societies provoked with national songs, universities were founded, and on the occasion of recommencing work on Cologne Cathedral, the Prussian king kindled national hopes. The epoch finishes with the failed Revolution of 1848/9. Yet, beyond this failure, it had begun Germany’s journey into modernity.

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Published by C.H.Beck , ISBN: 9783406735332

Main content page count: 352 Pages

ISBN: 9783406735332