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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
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Seth Godin

The Rise of Tribes and the End of Normal

For generations, marketers, industrialists, and politicians have catered their message to the normal and have tried to tell consumers what they should buy, use, and want. In an industrial, mass-market-driven world, this was efficient and it worked... until now.
The internet has demolished the mass market and weird is the new normal. Human beings prefer to organize in tribes, into groups of people who share a leader or a culture or a definition of normal. The rise of addressable tribes, of mini-communities and people obsessed with causes, hobbies, and passions is changing politics, economics, marketing, manufacturing, and everything else.

In WE ARE ALL WEIRD, Godin shows how catering to the masses created the last version of our culture, but is failing with this one. Godin challenges marketers and businesses to embrace the new landscape and find ways to connect with the weird. Marketers can fight to protect the status quo (and lose) or engage in this important revolution. In this bold manifesto, Godin calls for the beginning of offering people more choices and interests, and giving them more authority to operate in ways that reflect their own unique values.

People who care now have the power to step forward and insist that the world work in a different way. The new era of embracing weirdness is upon us, and by enabling choice, we allow passion to survive and thrive.

Seth Godin is the wildly popular author of the bestselling books The Icarus Deception, Tribes, Purple Cow, Linchpin, and several others.
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Published 2015-09-15 by Portfolio


Published 2015-09-15 by Portfolio


UK: Portfolio ; Romanian: Baroque Books & Arts ; Spanish: Centro Libros PAPF SL ; Ukrainian: NF, LLC

Seth has done it again. Open this book to almost any page. Read it, and change your thinking, your work, your life, or better express your art. Weird how he does this, isn’t it?

This is a book about giving a damn. It’s about caring about what you do and (as important) who you do it for. Professional apathy is a relic of a dead era and, as Seth teaches brilliantly, a mentality you cling to at great peril. Everyone with a pulse and a paycheck should be livingWe Are All Weird.

This book will resonate with anyone who wants to lead a tribe, be authentic, dance to the beat of their own music, and make a difference in the world. If your inner critic (the resistance) has been telling you that you are not enough, your work is not good enough, and who do you think you are to make a difference, then buy this book. Let your freak flag fly high!