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What is the Bauhaus?

Ingolf Kern Christine Rösch

Children discover the Bauhaus Dessau

• everything children want to know about the Bauhaus: 50 questions and answers • informative for adults, too – how the world-famous art school worked • internationally renowned illustrator • the first book of our series "Bauhaus for Children"

Just about ninety years ago, the construction of the Bauhaus building in Dessau started. Not only adults but also children are still fascinated by its architecture and interior designs. Especially because the square buildings appear to be a bit strange at first: radiators are hanging on the wall like paintings, windows can be opened by chain drives… Behind every design and every piece of furniture is a brilliant idea! Child oriented and easy to understand, Ingolf Kern manages to answer 50 questions about the world-famous art, design and architecture movement. While Kern explains the basic ideas of the Bauhaus, Christine Rösch's illustrations make the book extremely enjoyable! 

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Published 2023-05-30 by E. A. Seemann Henschel

Main content page count: 56 Pages