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Laura Vanderkam

And Two Other Short Guides to Achieving More at Work and at Home

What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast is a fun, practical guide that will inspire you to rethink your morning routine and jump-start your life before the day has even begun.
Mornings are a madcap time for many of us. We wake up in a haze—often after hitting snooze a few times. Then we rush around to get ready and out the door so we can officially start the day. Before we know it, hours have slipped by without us accomplishing anything beyond downing a cup of coffee, dashing off a few emails, and dishing with our coworkers around the water cooler. By the time the workday wraps up, we’re so exhausted and defeated that any motivation to accomplish something in the evening has vanished. But according to time management expert Laura Vanderkam, mornings hold the key to taking control of our schedules. If we use them wisely, we can build habits that will allow us to lead happier, more productive lives. Drawing on real-life anecdotes and scientific research that shows why the early hours of the day are so important, Vanderkam reveals how successful people use mornings to help them accomplish things that are often impossible to take care of later in the day. While many of us are still in bed, these folks are scoring daily victories to improve their health, careers, and personal lives without sacrificing their sanity. For instance, former PepsiCo chairman and CEO Steve Reinemund would rise at 5:00 a.m., run four miles, pray, and eat breakfast with his family before heading to work to run a Fortune 500 company.
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Published 2013-08-01 by Portfolio Trade


Published 2013-08-01 by Portfolio Trade


What do movers and shakers do before their breakfast? Fashion guru Sir Paul Smith is in the pool at 5.15am, Vogue’s Alexandra Shulman has been writing a novel before hitting the office: we are most productive in the earliest hours, says Phoebe Luckhurst. Read more...

Indonesian rights to PT Pustaka Alvabet British rights to PUK Russian rights to Exmo Korean rights to See & Talk Chinese (complex) rights to Business Today Publisher Spanish rights to Santillana Ediciones Generales

Author's article on What The Most Successful People Do With Their Weekends. Read more...