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The Betches

Work Hard So You Can Hardly Work

The New York Times bestselling authors of I Had a Nice Time and Other Lies and Nice Is Just a Place in France are back with a guide on how to thrive professionally, get ahead in the workforce, and basically become the Beyoncé of whatever you aspire to do.
We get it. You run shit. You can go from being blackout at drunk brunch to being ready to meet your new boyfriend's parents in two seconds. But how do you go from being the boss of your personal life to taking charge of your career? That's where the Betches come in.

We are dedicated to making you the most successful, betchiest career woman you can be. After all, we only became Betches after we worked like, really hard. And now we're confident enough to help you become the best. You're welcome. You can thank us later. As New York Times bestselling author Jessica Knoll says, "I only ever want the cold, hard truth from a betch."

So whether you're trying to become a CEO, navigate an office hookup, or just save enough money to go to happy hour twice a week, we're here to help. It's time to channel your inner Elle Woods, Miranda Priestly, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Per our last email, you better read this.

Jordana, Aleen, and Samantha are the Founders of Betches Media. Betches started as a website and is now a viral social media and digital humor company.
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Published 2018-10-23


Published 2018-10-23


If you've ever found yourself crying in a bathroom stall at your corporate job, or wondering who the magical unicorns are that actually know what the F they want to do with their lives, this book is for you. When's Happy Hour? is a hilarious, strategic, and practical guide to getting your life together and taking pride in your career path. The Betches will teach you how to confidently ask for a promotion, decode email lingo, and realize why it's imperative that you do not get blasted at a company party and accidentally hook up with the IT guy. Pour a skinny marg, dive in, and get ready to be the #BossBetch you've always dreamed of being.

With their new book, the Betches have embraced two of my favorite things: feminism and getting shit done. Their advice for succeeding in your career is profane and practical, high on straight-talk and low on bullshit. From one betch to another - highly recommended.

Jordana, Samantha, and Aleen founded a wildly successful company before they even graduated college - seven years later, they're sharing how they did it. WHEN'S HAPPY HOUR? should be required reading for any woman who wants to blaze her own path in life, create wealth, and find true and lasting passion in her work.