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Andrea Grignolio

The dangerous decline in vaccinations in many developed countries is

at the centre of a lively debate which confirms how crucial this

subject is today. Vaccinations are amongst the most important scientific

discoveries for the human race, yet they continue to be considered with

suspicion by part of public opinion, the victims of campaigns of

disinformation, instrumentalization and unfounded fears. These

irrational beliefs, however, have an evolutionary explanation, without

which it will be difficult to solve the growing social opposition. This

book, which throws light on to the safety and importance of

vaccinations, is for both parents and those who want to understand the

role of vaccinations in contemporary society, where the easy access to

knowledge is both a great opportunity and a great responsibility. The

chapters follow a historical narration and conclude with a discussion of

the most recent cognitive theories to tackle this resistance to


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Published 2023-05-30 by Codice Edizioni , ISBN: 9788875785864

Main content page count: 188 Pages

ISBN: 9788875785864