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Harriet Lerner

Healing Big Betrayals and Everyday Hurts

Harriet Lerner asserts that "I'm sorry" are the two most important words in any relationship -- but most of us don't know how to craft a meaningful apology (or accept one when it's offered). Her new book, WHY WON'T YOU APOLOGIZE, explains why apologies are at the heart of effective leadership, marriage, parenting, friendship, personal integrity, and most of all -- love.
Apology is crucial in any relationship. Marriages fail and family members stop speaking to one another because someone will not apologize, or the apology is offered in a way that only deepens the injury rather than widening the path for forgiveness and reconciliation. On a smaller scale, even good relationships suffer quietly beneath the surface when a hurt or insult goes unrepaired.
Dr. Harriet Lerner, renowned psychiatrist and bestselling author of THE DANCE OF ANGER, has been studying apologies--and the men and women who can’t give them--for over two decades. WHY WON'T YOU APOLOGIZE? is the ultimate guide to understanding and achieving reconciliation, written equally for those who have hurt and those who are hurt.

Dr. Lerner covers the importance of apology and how it can help, hinder, or even save your relationship. She illustrates how the challenge of apology and reconciliation is a dance that occurs between at least two people, and that an apology isn't the only chance to address the underlying issue ... but it is the moment in which you establish the ground for future communication. This book will teach you how to craft a deeply meaningful apology, avoid making meaningless amends, and decode the “sorry” that is downright sneaky and mean.

Harriet Lerner, Ph.D., is one of our nation's most loved and respected relationship experts. Renowned for her work on the psychology of women and family relationships, she served as a staff psychologist at the Menninger Clinic for more than two decades. A distinguished lecturer, workshop leader, and psychotherapist, she is the author of The Dance of Anger and other bestselling books. She blogs for Psychology Today and is also, with her sister, an award-winning children's book writer. She and her husband are therapists in Lawrence, Kansas, and have two sons.
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Published 2017-01-01 by Touchstone


Published 2017-01-01 by Touchstone


UK: Duckworth ; Dutch: Ambo/Anthos ; Chinese/cc: Athena Press/Eurasian Group ; Italian: Feltrinelli ; Norwegian: Norsk Forlag ; Japanese: ToyokanPublishingHouse ; Romanian: Pagina di Psihologie Ltd. ; Arabic: Jarir ; Korean: JustBooks ; Chinese/sc: Beijing Huazhang Graphics & Infomation Co., Ltd.

If you want to know why Harriet Lerner is one of my great heroes, Why Won’t you Apologize? is the answer. This book is a game changer.