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We sons of Eichmann

Günther Anders

An Open letter to Klaus Eichmann

Adolf Eichmann was the man primarily responsible for the transport of Jews from German-controlled territory into the extermination camps.

In an open letter to Eichmann's son, Klaus, Günther Anders writes a warning in his own, penetrating style: The ”Eichmann” problem is not confined to the past. We are all sons and daughters of the world of Eichmann. It is the world of machines of extermination whose workings defy the imagination. There is a danger that we will function as wheels without resisting and without awareness; our moral powers may well not be able to keep up with the device; everyone could become an Eichmann.

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Published by C.H.Beck , ISBN: 9783406475481

Main content page count: 100 Pages

ISBN: 9783406475481


French: Editions Payot & Rivages

Greek: Hestia Publishers & Booksellers

Italian: Editrice La Giuntina

Japanese: Shobunsh Publishing Co.

Spanish: Ediciones Paidós Iberica