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Birgitta Elín Hassell
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Wolf and Edda - Book 1-3

Kristín Ragna Gunnarsdóttir

Wolf, Edda and the Stolen Relic (Book 1) An ancient relic is stolen from Edda’s grandmother and the stepsiblings Úlfur and Edda are determined to retrieve it. They find an underground passage in Skálholt that leads them on a dangerous adventure in an unexpected place. In her unique way Kristín Ragna has brought children of the present into the past of gods and goddesses, monsters and tricksters. Wolf and Edda must find their way home through the domain of the Norse gods. Along the way they battle extreme egos, solve a mystery and learn the true meaning of family.

Wolf, Edda and the Eyes of the Dragon (Book2)

In this second book granny Edda disappears when she is accused of stealing an ancient relic from the National Museum. Úlfur and Edda trace her path to the tunnel in Skálholt and on to Asgard and Niflheim, the dark realms of Hel. There they must face all manners of beings to try to solve the mystery of their grandmother’s disappearance.

Wolf, Edda and the Queen (Book3)

The third and last book in the series sees Edda trying hard to forget everything about Asgard. She dreams of Hel asking for help but wants nothing more to do with the Gods and their troubles. But the siblings get dragged into yet another adventure, this time in Svartalfheim (the world of the dwarfs) and in the realms of the sea giant Aegir and his wife Ran.

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Published by Bókabeitan


Wolf, Edda and the Stolen Relic was nominated for the Icelandic Women’s Literature Prize 2017 and for the prestigious Nordic Council Children and Young People‘s Literature Prize 2017.