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China Publishing Group
Xu Zhang
Original language

Words in the Wind

Tsering Nuobu

This novel, written by a Tibetan author, tells the vicissitudes of Tibet in nearly half a century. The main thread comes from the perspective of the protagonist Jigme Wangza’s transferring from a monk to a lay person, through which it depicts significant historical events such as military rebellions of reactionists, democratic reforms, and the Sino-Indian War. Tibetans’ conception of life and death, and their understanding and transcendence of afflictions were reflected by virtue of the ups and downs of many characters. Another thread of the novel is a narration of the master yogi Milarepa’s life from the end of 11th century to the beginning of 12th century. With two threads intertwining, the Tibetan people’s spiritual world and their tough way to salvation were revealed.
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Published by China Publishing Group