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Lisen Stromberg

How to Pause for Parenthood Without Killing Your Career

We worry putting our family first means we’ll be forced to abandon our careers. We’re afraid if we pause our careers, we’ll be forever off-track. This thinking is outdated—forget what you’ve heard about how pauses are career limiting, about how those who pause lack ambition, or that if you do pause you won’t be able to re-enter the paid workforce. That’s a flawed reality, one that doesn’t reflect the truth of the careers of some of the most successful women in this country.
Author Lisen Stromberg knows this success firsthand. After the birth of her second child, she did something she never imagined she would do: she opted out to focus on her family. But her career didn’t end there. Lisen paused then pivoted to become first a social entrepreneur and then an award-winning journalist writing about women, work, and life in Silicon Valley. Along the way, she learned she wasn’t alone. Lisen met many highly successful women who told her they never “opted out” but who had, in fact, temporarily downshifted or paused their careers. Their hidden journeys revealed alternative nonlinear paths to the top that enabled them to achieve their personal and professional goals.

InWORK PAUSE THRIVE, Lisen shares their stories. Deeply rooted in social science research, cutting-edge data collected from nearly 1,500 women, and through 186 first-person interviews, this book reveals how trailblazing women have disrupted the traditional career paradigm. WORK PAUSE THRIVEalso reveals new and exciting trends in the workplace and offers targeted solutions for companies to help ensure they have cultures that will enable you to lead the life you want, a life in which you can build both a career and a family, and ultimately your own version of a life well lived.

Years ago, the author traded in a career as a Silicon Valley executive to spend more time with her children, momentarily pausing her career while she was reborn as a speaker and writer. Since then she’s written for The New York Times,Newsweek, Forbes, Salon, and Fortune Magazine (where she is a contributing editor).She is a board member of The Journalism & Women Symposium and Women’s Evolutionary Leadership Forum, a 500-person-strong network of influential women in Silicon Valley, and is connected with BlogHer, Moms 2.0, TEDxWomen, the Women’s Conference, the Work/Life Conference, the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO), the Fortune Most Powerful Women Summit, and the list goes on.
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Published 2017-01-31 by BenBella Books


Published 2017-01-31 by BenBella Books


For millions of women looking to pause their careers without sacrificing long-term professional success,Work PAUSE Thriveis essential. Combining a powerful personal story, new research, and a journalistic commitment to accuracy, Lisen Stromberg captures the great challenges and offers pragmatic steps forward. She also understands that today’s fathers are and must be a critical part of the solution as we all work together to build work–life structures that allow a level playing field.

Our lives are not straight lines, so not surprisingly neither are our careers. Yet when they inevitably take an unexpected turn we worry that we have fallen off the career track. Lisen Stromberg, in Work PAUSE Thrive, is here to tell you that there is no ‘track,’ there is just the path you and your family create for your own fulfilling lives.

Work PAUSE Thriverepresents! It details how inflexible workplace structures, public policy failures, and cultural stigmas against parents in the workplace hold women AND men back from living lives of authenticity and meaning. This is a must-read!

Ask yourself two questions: Do you want women to make as much impact as they can on society? Do you want men to fully engage as fathers? If your answer is yes to either or both questions, then read this book. And buy a copy for your daughters and your sons.

Filled with insights and ideas built on rock-solid data and inspiring examples from women from a wide spectrum of the working world, this is the book I’m putting on my daughter’s shelf—and wish I’d had myself. Stromberg reaches out generously and thoughtfully to empower every woman torn by seemingly impossible choices, and in turn, challenges the newly enlightened reader to pay it forward. Count me in.

Former advertising exec and veteran journalist Lisen Stromberg offers stats, anecdotes, and advice in her deep analysis on how to navigate the career journey that includes a ‘pause.’ Learn from her wise and thoughtful approach to managing the nontraditional career path.

Work PAUSE Thrive: How to Pause for Parenthood Without Killing Your Career doesn’t just offer tactical solutions for integrating kids with careers, it also is a call to action so individual companies and our country as a whole will finally focus on providing meaningful solutions for all parents.

A refreshing new take on the work–life conversation!Work PAUSE Thrive‘disrupts’ the all-in model of career success and maps innovative paths to professional and personal fulfillment. A must-read for next generation employees and the companies that hire them!

Lisen Stromberg isn’t just an author—she’s a whistleblower. The alarm she’s sounding is music to my ears: that the obstacle course of working motherhood is doable. With stats and stories, Stromberg reveals an alternate path for working parents . . . all while urging society to step up to better meet the needs of American families.

With illuminating original survey data, the compelling stories of hundreds of women, and research-backed practical advice,Work PAUSE Thriveis essential reading for all people, not just women, who want full lives at work and at home, and for the policymakers and business leaders who have the power to make that happen.

Take heart, somewhere in these pages is a brave example that will work for YOU—as well as a call to arms to change employment policies that will strengthen the American economy by helping all kinds of American families.

Forget climbing some corporate ladder, you want a career with twists and turns and adventure, but how? In Work PAUSE Thrive, author Lisen Stromberg shows how trailblazing women have crafted a big life on their terms and how you can too.