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Susanne Simor
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Worship and Art

Jan Assmann

Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis as Service

Jan Assmann's great book about Beethoven

Beethoven's "Missa Solemnis", his often underestimated late work, is great art and solemn service in one. Jan Assmann shows why this work represents a climax in the long history of worship service and at the same time marks the point at which religious worship becomes autonomous art. A masterful étude on art and religion, which makes us better understand Beethoven's music and at the same time the Christian worship service.

Missa solemnis, "solemn mass": This is what the Catholic high mass was called since the Middle Ages. Jan Assmann approaches Beethoven's "Missa" from the origins of Christian worship and draws an impressive historical arc spanning two millennia: from the Last Supper of Jesus and the commemoration ceremonies of the early Christians, through the emergence of liturgical forms, which in the High Middle Ages became music through polyphonic singing, to modern music settings. Beethoven's "Missa" was also intended for liturgical use, but it went beyond the purpose, not only because of its length, but also because of its immense intensity. To follow Jan Assmann`s relating musical details to the great historical lines is very pleasurable. He shows us the birth of art from the spirit of worship and even makes it almost audible.

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Published by C.H.Beck

Main content page count: 288 Pages