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Laraine Herring

Embodying Your Authentic Voice

Writing Begins with the Breath will open up a whole world of creativity for people who may not have considered themselves writers before, while also providing keen insights into the craft for seasoned writers.
In this distinctive guide to the craft of writing, author Laraine Herring shows us how to tune into our bodies and connect with our emotions so that our writing becomes an expression of our full beings, rather than just an intellectual exercise. With warmth and wisdom, Herring offers a path to discovering "deep writing" - prose that is unique, expressive, and profoundly authentic. Lessons and imaginative exercises show you how to: stay with your writing when your mind or body starts to pull you away; explore the five senses in your writing; and approach your writing without judgment. Writing Begins with the Breath will open up a whole world of creativity for people who may not have considered themselves writers before, while also providing keen insights into the craft for seasoned writers. Laraine Herring holds an MFA in creative writing and an MA in counseling psychology. She has developed numerous workshops that use writing as a tool for healing grief and loss. She is the author of Writing Begins with the Breath: Embodying Your Authentic Voice, Lost Fathers: How Women Can Heal from Adolescent Father Loss, the novel Ghost Swamp Blues, and the short story collection Monsoons. Her short stories, poems, and essays have appeared in national and local publications. Her fiction has won the Barbara Deming Award for Women, and her nonfiction work has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. She currently teaches creative writing in Prescott, Arizona.
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Published 2007-09-11 by Shambhala


The practice is exquisitely clear; breathe and write. This book is an excellent guide and a catalyst for that deep work, and a wise companion for the writer's journey.

Laraine Herring takes you on a journey toward wholeness as a writer-she not only explores every aspect of the writing process; she also invites you to explore every aspect of your writing self-body, mind, and spirit. Anyone who writes - or wants to - will find this book as essential and inspiring as breath.