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Susanne Simor
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Writings on Art and Film

Reinhard Ellensohn Kerstin Putz

Günther Anders: The posthumous writings - the new volume

This volume is the first to collect previously unpublished writings and scattered published texts on art and film by the philosopher and writer Günther Anders. These works are mainly from the years 1925 to 1956 and show the philosopher and committed supporter of the anti-nuclear movement in a new light.

In his analyses and commentaries on Weimar cinema, sound film and Hollywood film production, his interpretations of works of art from the Louvre in Paris, his diary notes on Italian Renaissance art and pointed portraits of artists from Rubens to Goya, Anders proves to be a phenomenologically trained aesthetician and media philosopher. The texts, edited for the first time from the author's estate, also allow a new look at Anders' oeuvre, especially at his much-read media criticism in the "The Outdatedness of Human Beings" (1956).

Günther Anders (1902 - 1992) counts among the most important philosophers of the 20th century. His intellectual and political radicalism is without precedent in the German-speaking world. His main work is "The Outdatedness of Human Beings".

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Published by C.H.Beck

Main content page count: 560 Pages