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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
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Grace Helbig Mamrie Hart

Boozy Misadventures and Tales of Debauchery

The riotously funny debut from the drinking star with a YouTube problem.
Since launching her YouTube channel “You Deserve a Drink” in 2011, comedian Mamrie Hart has built an intensely devoted following of more than half a million viewers. Like her bawdy and bacchanalian show, Hart’s eponymous debut pays tribute to her boozy misadventures with an original cocktail recipe accompanying each hilarious tale. From the “Leaves of Three Martini,” commemorating the hookup to whom she accidentally gave poison ivy, to the “Bizzargarita,” in honor of the time she and a friend were approached by two uber-Republican couples who wanted to “swing” while on vacation in Mexico, You Deserve a Drink is as useful as it is entertaining.

Mamrie Hart is straight out of the middle-of-nowhere, North Carolina. After bartending her way through a theater degree, she headed north to the city where dreams come true, Baltimore. She kept driving, though, and landed in New York City. She now lives in Los Angeles with her tiny hairless dog, Beanz.
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Published 2015-05-26 by Plume Trade Paperback


Published 2015-05-26 by Plume Trade Paperback


YOU DESERVE A DRINK is like a night out with Mamrie Hart: charmingly weird and hilariously memorable. All that’s missing is the hangover.

My Mom and I had Mamrie on IN BED WITH JOAN and we absolutely fell in love with her! She carries her wit in the palm of her hand, usually along with a delicious cocktail. In this book, Mamrie breaks into hilarious as easily as she drops into poignant. A girl who holds the torch for all the funny and smart ladies out there!

This book is way better than my book.

I loved this book. Mamrie Hart is hilariously brilliant, and really puts things in perspective with YOU DESERVE A DRINK. Specifically that I do deserve a drink. And the only person I feel like having one with right now is her.

You know that voice you have inside that tells you not to do certain things because they are reckless, embarrassing, or socially unacceptable? Mamrie Hart does not have that voice. She does it all and tells it all in YOU DESERVE A DRINK.