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Sebastian Ritscher


Vanessa K. Bohns

How We Underestimate Our Power of Persuasion, and Why it Matters

An original investigation of our hidden potential to persuade, and how to wield it wisely.
Whether attending a meeting, sharing a post online, or mustering the nerve to ask for a favor, we often assume our actions, input, and requests will be overlooked or rejected. As behavioral psychologist Vanessa K. Bohns reveals, however, people see us, listen to us, and agree to do things for us much more than we realize. In You Have More Influence Than You Think, Bohns draws from original research to illustrate why we fail to recognize the influence we have already, and how that lack of awareness can lead us to miss opportunities or accidentally misuse our power. She offers strategies for observing the effect we have on others, reconsidering our fear of rejection, and even, sometimes, pulling back to use our influence less. You Have More Influence Than You Think is an "enormously empowering" (Robert Cialdini, author of Influence) call to anyone who has ever felt ineffective or invisible to recognize their power and wield it accordingly. Vanessa K. Bohns is a professor of organizational behavior at Cornell University. Her writing has appeared in the New York Times and Harvard Business Review, among other publications. She lives in upstate New York.
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Published 2021-09-07 by W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. - New York (USA)


Bohns reveals an enormously empowering secret: In many situations, we don't recognize the great influence we possess.

Just as it is always helpful to take stock and be grateful for what we have in life, it is important to step back and be conscious of the influence we already wield. Vanessa Bohns' new book... is vital for that very reason. Read more...

Bohns sheds light on what we all want to know about our effect on other people, but rarely get to see. This book will make those in positions of power think twice about the weight their own words can carry and reassure anyone who has ever walked away from an interaction feeling invisible that they had impact.

Through her rigorous research and relatable voice, Bohns helps us make sense of the world and our nontrivial place in it. The result is an exhilarating, evidence-based, expert read that you will not want to miss.

Soulful, eloquently written, and vital reading for anyone who wants to leave the world a better place. Bohns strikes the perfect balance between cutting-edge science and vivid storytelling.

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Social psychologist Vanessa Bohns discusses why failing to recognize our ability to influence can lead us to miss opportunities or misuse power. Read more...

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"Unlike other books on this subject, which tend to focus on how we can increase our influence, Bohns tries to explain how we can employ the influence we already possess but might not appreciate we have." Read more...

Chinese (simpl.): Citic ; Korean: Segyesa ; Portuguese: Planeta Brasil ; Spanish: Editorial Ariel

There is a hidden side of human nature that, when illuminated, makes so much sense you wonder how you didn't appreciate it before. This marvelous new book reveals how you've overlooked the power you have to make another person's day, or life, better, and will show you how to use that power wisely.

One of the most enticing and entertaining books I've ever read on persuasion. Vanessa Bohns is not only an expert in social psychology - she's also an excellent communicator. She makes a convincing case that we all matter more than we realize.

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author's article: Who Will Listen to You? - More people than you think. ... Read more...