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Eric Thomas

Ignite Your Power, Your Purpose, and Your Why

Thomas - a celebrated motivational guru, educator, and problem solver to many of the world's greatest athletes and business leaders - has the blueprint to help readers recognize their gifts and powers, no matter their story or struggle.
If you feel like success is for others, that only certain people get to have their dreams fulfilled, Eric Thomas's YOU OWE YOU is your wake-up call. His urgent message to stop waiting for inspiration to strike and take control of your life is one he wishes someone had given him when he was a teenager - lost, homeless, failing in school, and dealing with the challenges of being a young Black man in America.

Once he was able to break free from thinking of himself as a victim and truly understand his strengths, he switched the script. And now, with this book, Thomas reveals how you too can rewrite your life's script. With support, he recognized that his unique gift is being able to capture the attention of all kinds of people in all kinds of settings - boardrooms, locker rooms, churches, classrooms, even the streets - thanks to his wealth of experiences and command of language. Today, Thomas considers himself blessed to speak to an audience that is as large as it is diverse, from the rich and famous to kids struggling in school to young men in prison hoping for a new start.

Thomas's secrets of success have already helped hundreds of thousands on their journey, but this is his first guide to show you how to start today, right now. These critical first steps include deeply understanding yourself and the world around you, finding your why, accepting that you may have to give up something good for something great, and constantly stretching toward your potential. No matter where you are on your journey toward greatness, you owe it to yourself to become fully, authentically you. And Eric Thomas can help get you there.

Eric Thomas, Ph.D., part coach, part preacher, all grind, is one of the world's best known motivational speakers. In addition to reaching millions on YouTube, he works with many top businesses, the NFL, NBA, and the NCAA, and dozens of individual teams and players, as well as schools and prisons across the country. He has a PhD in education from Michigan State, and has self-published several books.
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Published 2022-09-13 by Rodale