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Susanne Simor
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Zero, Infinite and the Wild 13

Albrecht Beutelspacher

Albrecht Beutelspacher's entertaining Numerology

Invented more than 20 000 years ago for practical reasons, numbers have something magical to many of us. Albrecht Beutelspacher tells the most exciting stories about the most important numbers. A book readable without any previous mathematical knowledge and in which everyone will discover their favourite number.

1 there can be only one - 2 the number that makes the difference - 7 the number that does not exist - 8 uncompromising beauty - 0 the symbol of nothing - 13 the unlucky number - 14 B+A+C+H - 17 the Gauss number - 42 the answer to all questions - 60 the best number -666 the number of the animal - 1001 the Cliffhanger number - 1679 a number for extraterrestrial - 1729 - the ramanujan number - -1 an absurd number - 3,125 simple, but ingenious - j the golden ratio - p the mysterious transcendent - i is the imaginary imaginable? – ∞ bigger than anything.

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Published 2023-05-22 by C.H.Beck

Main content page count: 224 Pages